Our Mission
Going Beyond the Pink’s mission is to empower breast cancer patients and survivors with knowledge and support so they can thrive through treatment into survivorship.
We envision a world where everyone affected by breast cancer is connected, empowered, resilient and informed, and has the support and resources they need to thrive through treatment and into survivorship.
Empowering breast cancer patients & survivors to thrive beyond the fear & uncertainty of a breast cancer diagnosis, we're going beyond pink ribbons & awareness to serve the breast cancer community in meaningful ways by providing resources and critical information from diagnosis, through treatment, and into survivorship.
Going Beyond the Pink is an educational and supportive resource that is easily accessible, compassionate and readily available to individuals and families stricken by this life-threatening disease.
Going Beyond the Pink is a non-profit organization, operating for educational and charitable purposes under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
At Going Beyond the Pink, we value:
Empowerment- We empower ourselves and others with health related self-management skills and health literacy skills.
Integrity- We conduct business in a way that is honest, transparent, and ethical.
A welcoming and inclusive community- where members feel safe, respected, and comfortable in being themselves and expressing all aspects of their identities.
Collaborative- We find success by collaborating with other agencies and partners in the community, including complementing resources available in the community rather than duplicating them.
Fun- We share joy, hope, and creativity in our community. We are not formal or stodgy but friendly, warm, and approachable.
Good Stewardship- We treat resources bequeathed to us wisely and with respect. We make an honest effort to make good return on those resources. We have standards and financial procedures for internal controls.
Excellence- We cultivate and train staff, board members, and volunteers. We set benchmarks for training including attending conferences, online education and board education.